Course curriculum

    1. How to Complete This Course

    2. Course Intro

    1. Buyer Leads Beget Seller Leads (Theory)

    2. Buyer Side Facebook Ads That Generate Seller Leads

    3. Example Buyer Lead Follow Up Call That Generates A Seller Lead

    4. Some Resources / Links About Creating Buyer Side Facebook Ads

    1. Section Intro

    2. How To Build Your "Seller Squeeze" Page

    3. Getting Traffic To Your Seller Squeeze Page

    4. Recorded Webinar About Farming & Circle Prospecting

    1. The Local Market Conditions Weekly Video Strategy

    2. How To Build A Landing Page Offering Your Local Market Conditions Videos

    3. A "Weird Way" Seller Lead Generation Webinar

    1. ConvertingSellerLeads

    2. "Skip Tracing" & Finding Seller Contact Info

    3. Seller Drip Campaigns (and Search Alerts)

    4. Converting Seller Leads w/Market Reports

    5. Drop A Physical CMA In The Mail!

    6. Automated Postcard Follow Up

    7. Retargeting

    1. Closing Thoughts

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content