Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video

    2. How to Complete This Course

    1. Creating Your Facebook "Business Manager" Account

    2. How To Create / Copy Your Facebook Pixel Code

    3. Kunversion+ -- How To Install Your Facebook Pixel Code

    4. kvCORE -- How To Install Your Facebook Pixel Code

    5. How To Tell If Your Facebook Pixel Is Installed

    1. Custom Audiences Introduction

    2. Creating Audiences From Uploaded Customer Files

    3. Creating Website Visitor Based Custom Audiences

    4. Creating Video Engagement Audiences

    5. Creating Lead Form Based Audiences

    6. Advanced - Lookalike & Value Based Audiences

    1. Intoduction - "Thank You For Visiting My Website" Ad

    2. Creating Your Thank You Video With Screencastomatic

    3. Ryan's Example Video

    4. Shane Campano's Example Video

    5. How To Edit & Add Overlays To Your Video

    6. How To Create The Ad

    1. Campaign Creation Basics Section Intro

    2. Understanding Different Campaign Types

    3. Ad Set Basics

    4. Ad Creation Basics

    5. 10,000 FT View Of Dashboard Once You Have Multiple Campaigns Running

    1. Examples Section Intro

    2. Niche Focused FB Ads Tactics

    3. How To Create "Lead Ad" Campaigns and "Zapier" The Leads Into kvCORE or Kunversion+

    4. Acreage Offer, No Targeting, Video Slideshow Walk-Thru

    5. Buyer Side Ads That Can Get You Seller Leads

    6. High End Homes Lead Ad Campaign Example

    7. Fixer Upper Lead Ad Example

    8. Open House "Engagement" Ad Example

    9. Google Draw Maps Tactic For Creating Ad Images

    10. How To Run Ads ONLY on Instagram

    11. Adding Leads To Different Custom Audiences As They Move Through CRM Statuses

    12. How To Create Blurred Videos For Your Ads

    13. How To "Split Test" an Ad Set

    14. How To Use Existing kvCORE Smart CRM Data To Build "Lookalike" & "Lifetime Value" Audiences

    15. Tip - Use "Engagement Ads" + page posts with Text Codes To Generate Real Cell Number Leads

    16. The Perfect PPC Funnel? (which ads to run when?)

    17. How To Build Audiences and Retarget Landing Page Visitors

About this course

  • Free
  • 42 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content