Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video

    2. Speeding Up & Slowing Down

    3. The Fogg Behavior Model

    4. Some Conversion Math

    1. Conversion Features Intro Video

    2. Configuring kvCORE's Behavioral Automations

    3. Configuring Automatic Property Search Alerts

    4. Using kvCORE's "Calling" Features To Convert Contacts (Part 1)

    5. Prompting Contacts with Mass Texts & Emails

    6. Smart Campaigns Overview

    7. Converting Contacts By Sending Them To Your kvCORE Blog Posts

    8. Using 3rd Party Solutions To Convert Your Leads

    1. Section Intro

    2. How To Follow Up On Property Boost Leads

    3. kvCORE Email Marketing Webinar

    4. "Power Scripts" For Real Estate Lead Follow Up

    5. Webinar: Using Bridge Pages To Convert More Real Estate Leads Into Conversations & Closings

    6. Video Conversion Tactics Webinar

    7. How To Follow Up On Facebook Lead Form Ads

    8. Pay Per Click Lead Follow Up Webinar

    9. How To Use Webhooks To Make kvCORE Talk To 3rd Party Applications

    10. Converting Leads With Follow Up Postcards In the Mail (Webinar)

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content