Course curriculum

Time to complete: 1 hour 20 mins

    1. How to Complete This Course

    2. Welcome to kvCORE!

    3. Why is Completing Your Profile Important?

    4. Using the Main Dashboard Successfully

    5. kvCORE Apps for ‘On-the-Go’ Agents

    6. Test Your Knowledge on the Basics

    7. Section 1 Action Items

    8. Top 10 Tips for kvCORE

    9. Join Our Interactive Webinar!

    1. What Are Deal Types, Statuses, Hashtags, and Sources?

    2. Understanding kvCORE’s Behavioral Automation

    3. What Are Search Alerts, Market Reports, and Seller Reports?

    4. Leveraging Smart Campaigns for Your Business

    5. Test Your Knowledge kvCORE’s Automation

    6. Understanding Contact Records and the Client Journey

    7. Section 2 Action Items

    8. Join Our Interactive Webinar!

    1. Where’s Your Website and How Do Visitors Use It?

    2. Understanding Your Website Settings

    3. How to Manage Your Listings Inside kvCORE

    4. ‘Promote a Listing’ Playbook Overview

    5. Test Your Knowledge on Your Website and Listings

    6. Section 3 Action Items

    7. Join Our Interactive Webinar!

    1. Let’s Get Your Existing Contacts Into kvCORE!

    2. How to Integrate Your Existing Lead Generation

    3. Marketing Tools for Lead Generation

    4. What “Done for You” Advertising Does kvCORE Offer?

    5. Bonus Webinar About kvCORE Traffic & Lead Sources

    6. Track Your Success in Business Analytics

    7. Test Your Knowledge on Your Pipeline

    8. Section 4 Action Items

    9. Join Our Interactive Webinar!

    1. Closing Remarks

    2. Send Us Your Feedback! (Please & Thank You!)

About this course

  • Free
  • 35 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content